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Immagine profilo di Stefano Vignaroli


Stefano Vignaroli, 62, veterinary surgeon, married for over thirty years, father of two children, a boy and a girl. He has always worked in the small animal sector in the Province of Ancona. In addition to dogs, he is fond of music, especially jazz, and in his youth he played the alto sax in various orchestras, improvised and not, and in the band of his city, Jesi. His other great passion has always been the mountains: he loves being in contact with nature, hiking, walking and mountain biking. After earning a degree from the University of Perugia and a specialization from the University of Pisa, he devoted himself completely to the profession. After a few years dedicated exclusively to the small animal clinic in a private clinic, he won a competition as Veterinary Manager at A.S.L. of Ancona, where he still works. As a veterinarian employed by the local Health Authority he often found himself collaborating with the Police and Carabinieri in investigations and operations regarding illicit trafficking of animals or episodes of mistreatment against them. A few years ago, together with the Carabinieri of the NAS nucleus of Ancona, he was the protagonist of a maxi kidnapping of more than one hundred dogs, transported in incredible conditions on a ferry from Greece and bound for Germany, where they would almost certainly have been destined for vivisection. or, at least, to experimentation. Thanks to the help of animal welfare associations in the area, it has been possible to entrust all the seized animals, which have found a home and a good owner. The collaboration and close contact with the Canine Units of the State Police, commanded by the Chief Inspector Endrio Vignaroli, who has the same surname but is not his relative, and seconded to the Raffaello Sanzio Airport in Ancona, was essential in formulating the profile of the novel's protagonist, Caterina Ruggeri, who began her career as Head of the Canine Detachment. After twenty years spent caring for animals, following kennels, intervening in the management of problems relating to stray dogs, both canine and feline, and attending professional refresher courses, he decided to do something different by writing a novel, whose plot and relative protagonist had been in his head for a long time, but he had never had the opportunity, nor the time to put it down in writing.

A few questions to the author:


Why is the protagonist of your novels a woman?

A challenge to myself. If it had been a man it certainly would have been easier; but Caterina Ruggeri has a strong character. She doesn't get married until she is forty. Then she will have a happy marriage and a lovely little girl.

In your previous novel you had talked a lot about esotericism...

Of esotericism and numerology. I was deeply interested in it because I could not do without it given the topic I was dealing with.

Where did you get the idea of ​​writing similar novels?

From the reading of great crime writers, including Camilleri, of course.

Where did you get your ideas and suggestions for the plot?

From real news stories; from information collected around and in the circles of the Ancona Police; as regards "The Mysteries of Villa Brandi" also from 'The story of Jesi' by G. Luconi. A book almost impossible to find today.

Is there more science or science fiction in your novels?

More science, I think.

Do you have any other projects now?

I'm writing the third mystery: 'A psychopath's diary'. I'm interested in psychological investigations. In addition to nanotechnologies, jazz, trekking ...

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